One day in the life of Mr. Quagga

Palomar Records 34 Duo Series

Giovanni Maier, double bass
Andrea Galli, live electronics
1)The Supper 02:45
2) Listening to Radio Saigon 05:47
3) Watching the Battle of Algeri, part 1 03:29
4)  Job Thoughts 05:43
5)  Listening to Izmir Radio 02:35
6)  Ice Cathedral 04:07
7)  Watching the Battle of Algeri, part 2 03:47
8)  Teeth Washing 01:24
9)  Sleeping Interlude 03:11
10) Wake Up! 01:11
11) Psichedelic Breackfast 06:16
12) Working at the Note Factory, part 1 03:42
13) The Lunch 04:49
14) Working at the Note Factory, part 2 05:13
15) Coming back Home in the Rain
all compositions by Giovanni Maier


The Supper (02:45)(Andrea Gullii, Giovanni Maier)